
Posts Tagged ‘Boston Strong’

I can’t believe tomorrow is race day! I picked up my bib yesterday at the expo and had this surreal experience as I waited and waited while the volunteer searched for my bib number. She started to get a worried look on her face and I actually had an irrational moment of panic where I thought she was going to say there was a problem and I wasn’t going to get to run the race (this is leftover anxiety from when I qualified for Boston 2015 but found out a few weeks later that my time did not meet the registration cutoff). But then she smiled with relief and handed me bib number 20130 and wished me luck! I confess I got teary when I finally held the bib in my hands (you all know it doesn’t take much for me to get emotional about these things).

Speaking of emotional, I got pretty excited when I rode in a car on part of the marathon course (not on purpose, we just happened to be going that way) and I saw this:


I’ve gone through waves of nervousness and excitement and now I’m just looking forward to tomorrow and ready to start taking in the whole experience. I trained hard but do not have a goal time in mind. The goal is to enjoy the race while running strong (I have a lot of respect for the history of the Boston Marathon and the course itself, so I want to run strong and well without pushing myself so hard that I miss soaking up the whole atmosphere). I hope that makes sense. I anticipate coming in around four hours or less but who knows how I will feel on race day. I am recovering from a cough and congestion that plugged my ears up on the plane. I’m just grateful I can hear again and am well enough to toe the line for the 2016 Boston Marathon!

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I desperately wanted to play hooky from my responsibilities on Monday to stay home and watch the live stream of the Boston Marathon. I was a good girl though, and had to satisfy myself later in the day with watching this clip of the men’s finish (via Beth of Shut Up + Run):

I don’t know about you but I cried when Meb started crying at the end. Fast forward to today when my friend Andrea posted this next video from the director of a popular local race, the Hollywood Half Marathon. Watching Ken made me cry too — a good, happy cry. Although Ken missed qualifying for Boston by 23 seconds (now THAT makes me want to cry), he traveled to Boston anyway to offer free hugs to the runners:

I know what it feels like to get a little energy boost from just such encouragement during a marathon. Any time a runner takes to stop for a high five or a hug comes back to him or her in a surge of goodwill and positive energy. Way to go, Ken!



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